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Privacy Policy

Overview: This Privacy Policy delineates the protocols through which accumulates, utilizes, preserves, and discloses information gathered from users (referred to as “Users”) of the website (“Site”). Applicability extends to the Site and all services proffered by

Web Browser Cookies: Within our Site, or programs integrated into our platform (e.g., Google Adsense, Google Analytics), “cookies” may be employed to amass user/visitor data. These cookies serve multifarious functions, including the analysis of ad performance, provision of pertinent banner ads, traffic analysis, enhancement of user experience, and fortification of data. Cookies, those diminutive fragments of text dispatched to your browser upon visiting our site, capture information about your visit, facilitating the delivery of more pertinent and engaging content and ads. Users possess the autonomy to configure their web browser to decline cookies or activate alerts for incoming cookie transmissions.

Furthermore, when Users leave comments on our site, the option to preserve name, email address, and website details in cookies is available. These cookies maintain convenience by obviating the need to re-enter details with each subsequent comment, and they persist for one year.

Google Adsense: Certain advertisements may be disseminated by Google. The utilization of the DART cookie empowers Google to tailor ads to Users based on their interactions with our Site and other online platforms. DART relies on “non-personally identifiable information” and abstains from tracking personal details such as name, email address, or physical address. Opting out of the DART cookie’s usage is viable through the Google ad and content network privacy policy at

Personal Identification Information: Our website lacks contact forms, comment boxes, email newsletter subscription forms, or transaction forms, precluding the identification of personal information such as name, email, address, or credit card numbers. When emails are sent to our address, basic information viewable to everyone is retained on our email server, devoid of any exploitative purpose.

Non-Personal Identification Information: Via platforms like Google Analytics, Google Adsense, and Google Tag Manager, we may gather non-personal identification information about Users, encompassing browser names, device types, countries, operating systems, Internet service providers, and similar technical details. Users remain anonymous when transmitting non-personal information through these third-party services, rendering identification impossible.

How Collected Information is Employed: HavePrice exclusively collects non-personal information to enhance the Site and furnish a more tailored user experience. Non-personal identification information is harnessed to comprehend user needs and rectify technical glitches on our platform.

Security Measures: Our website employs a username, secure password, website firewall, and other advanced security measures to safeguard both the website and any data Users may submit.

Information Sharing: refrains from selling, trading, renting, or sharing any user information. Third-party programs like Google Analytics may scrutinize non-personal information.

Comments: The option to leave comments is presently unavailable on our site.

Data Breach Procedures: As we do not amass sensitive data, procedures for a data breach are nonexistent.

Changes to this Privacy Policy: HavePrice reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at any juncture. Updates will be reflected in the revision date at the page’s bottom. Users are encouraged to routinely peruse this page to stay abreast of changes safeguarding the personal information we accumulate.

Acceptance of Terms: Usage of this Site implies concurrence with this policy. Should a disagreement arise, refraining from site utilization is advised. Continued site usage post-policy changes equates to acceptance of those changes.

Contact: For queries concerning this Privacy Policy or interactions with this site, kindly contact us at: [email protected]